
Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Tamaki College

Image result for Tamaki College logoYesterday some of the year Y/8's went to Tamaki College. We went by the Tamaki college van. At Tamaki College there were lots of students different schools. We each had a colour on our name tag. I was in team orange. We did 6 different sports. Our first sport was softball. Each team had a teacher. In every sport we had to work together as a team and participate in the activities. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Gloria!

    My name's Ruby and I'm part of the Summer Learning Journey team.

    It was great to read about this day you had a couple of years ago. You sound like you're a person who enjoys sports! I've never played any sports but I do enjoy watching other people playing them. Do you have a favourite sport?

    It's great to see that you have registered with the Summer Learning Journey program to blog with us this summer! Remember to head on over to the website and get started on the activities! Here is a link to the website:

    Once you've picked an activity to start with, all you have to do is post the completed activity here on your blog, we'll read it, and you can get some points!

    I look forward to reading your first activity :)
