
Thursday, 8 December 2016

47 killed in fiery Pakistan plane crash

47 people were killed in a firey plane crash.The P.I.A. said the captain of the flight had reported losing power in one engine minutes before its plane lost contact with control tower to the capital. In a late night statement, P.I.A. said the plane was carrying 47 people, including five crew members ans 42 passengers. The airline had said there were 48 people on board. 


Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Tamaki College

Image result for Tamaki College logoYesterday some of the year Y/8's went to Tamaki College. We went by the Tamaki college van. At Tamaki College there were lots of students different schools. We each had a colour on our name tag. I was in team orange. We did 6 different sports. Our first sport was softball. Each team had a teacher. In every sport we had to work together as a team and participate in the activities. 
